Published at last!

I’m delighted to announce that my book, “Half Him Half Her” is finally published!  It seems like an age since I started writing it – at the beginning of my journey – but I’m thrilled with the results. The e-book should be available immediately (on Amazon and Apple) and the paperback will be available in the next week or so. We just need to final proof this copy and give the OK to the Printer. If you have problems finding the book via the title then you can search for the ISBN:- 

Ebook ISBN –          978-0-6488609-1-4

Paperback ISBN –   978-0-6488609-0-7

I would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has helped me get to this point, Denise McMillan for editing, Pickawoowoo Publishing Group for their support and wisdom and of course Denise Davies my wonderful partner for her untiring love, support and technical help!

Writing the book has at times been very cathartic and at time been very challenging- recounting all the hurt i went through in my younger days, but i feel thoroughly blessed to have had such wonderful support throughout my journey. Thank you all…

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