When is a skin check not a skin check?

Posts have been few and far between recently for which I must apologise, it’s not that I’ve been particularly busy or that I’ve not had things to talk about, i just haven’t had the inclination for some reason.

After a false start three weeks ago when the lady who usually does my annual skin check went home sick, the rescheduled appointment was today but with a different lady, someone I’ve not seen before. I am always a little nervous when i meet a new doctor but Denise has seen her and said she was very friendly and thorough. I also had a conversation with one of the lovely receptionists when she called to tell me my first appointment needed to be rescheduled. She was also very sure that i would be well looked after.

Before I say any more, i know i have a propensity to talk a little, well, ok a lot but this appointment was surreal in a beautiful way. We talked a little about my history and she was genuinely interested in my journey, in fact we talked for well over half an hour. I felt pretty bad as she was already running late. I jokingly said when she asked me into her office and apologised for the delay “that’s ok, I’ve often been the one causing the delay so I’m never put out by having to wait”. She thanked me for that then as we spent so much time just talking, apart from a quick check of a blemish i was concerned about, she suggested doing the full skin check at a later date.

This is yet another lovely example of how blessed i am and have been by the medical profession in busselton. In fact i will go further and say how blessed and completely accepted i have been by Australians in general. There’s no where else in the world I would rather be especially this year. Thank you for accepting me xx

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