A bad start but ended ok

Today started badly, another email from a relative in the uk with a negative tone to it questioning if I had “thought through” what I am doing and fully considered the consequences, it immediately made me see red!
What is wrong with them I thought, I have had 43 years to “think through” what I am doing and trust me I know it’s the right thing to do. I replied to the email and left no uncertainty that I was unhappy with how the email had been worded and told a few home truths about how I felt and what I thought about my brother and his treatment of me. The sad thing is that it didn’t make me feel any better but instead sent me into a day of feeling very down and unhappy, as much as both the psychiatrist and Hayley the psychologist have both told me that it’s their problem not mine, I don’t want to fall out with people and I have very few family members left so should really try to conserve my relationship with those that are. The funny thing is I felt more like trying to get my relationship with Dave back on track than I do about my brother, I think that is because Geoffrey upset Denise as well so went too far over the line in my view.
To his credit, Dave responded to my email in a quite apologetic way, I understand that it is a big thing for them to get their heads around and that I have had 43 to think about it but if he had said in the first place, “I have heard a rumour that you are making some changes, can we talk about it so I get the full story” it would have been much more sensible, anyway, I replied to his second email by sending my story in letter form which I had done for his parents to read plus a short explanation and a photo of Stephanie taken in January, the response from that was lovely, I think people are surprised how nice I look, to be fair I am 10 kilos lighter than the last time I saw him so that would help! Anyway, the day ended good, I sent him a couple more photos, one of the block and one of my favourite place Esperance.

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