Exceptional service and a great evening

Well it’s Friday again and a big day ahead! First job is to take the Hyundai into bunbury to get the aircon fixed or at least rule out some of the things it might be. As usual Aileen was most helpful and after our conversation about surnames last time she had put a line through my surname and said she would get it altered on her system, now i wondered what she had in mind as we hadn’t discussed what me name was going to be so I surmised she must be thinking I was changing it to Davies so I told her that was not the case, she looked at me and asked me to write on the job card the name I would like her to change it to so I wrote in capital letters Stephanie Vaughan, she looked at it, looked at me and looked at it again and said “that’s a nice name ” we left it at that! She showed us to the loan car and we left, drove to centre point car park where I changed into my dress, put on my makeup and we went shopping after a visit to muffin break for coffee. We had lunch at the dome after shopping then went to my speech therapist for my appointment. Leah is just lovely, she puts in so much work for my appointments. After that I called Aileen to see if the car was ready, she said it had just been brought out so come in when you are ready, is said “before you go, as I don’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable, it will be Stephanie who picks up the car” she said that’s fine so we headed for the dealership, when we arrived she was just showing some people to their car and welcomed us, I felt terrible doing it this way to her but she assured me it was fine and said I look great, we proceeded to the service desk and she explained that the car needed to go back for a couple of days and she booked it in. All in all I think that was exceptional service, given the seeming change of gender she was the upmost professional!
We drove home and started preparing dinner for my ex bosses, I was really looking forward to seeing them and telling my story but have to say with some nerves, I shouldn’t have worried, they were amazing, even offering to host a dinner party so I can tell my story to two other couples who I worked with and were close to which I was struggling to think how I was going to tell about Stephanie.

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