
Regular readers of my blog will not be strangers to how much I appreciate the amazing care I receive from a growing number of people involved in my healthcare and wellbeing. Today was a perfect example of how lucky i am in the way I’m cared for. Today i had a visit to the lady whole set the ball rolling back in 2012 which eventually resulted in my transition through introductions to various people but even before that had given me a level of care which blew me away. I am of course talking about my wonderful osteopath Annette (I’m sure she won’t mind me mentioning her by name!) who in reality is much more than an osteopath and is the person who has opened my mind to so many things but most importantly, Holistic care.

My back has been a little out of sorts for a week or so and with the events of earlier this week i felt an appointment would help. In all the years i have been seeing Annette i have never once left her treatment room feeling anything but better than when i walked in and today was no different. She always amazes me by identifying the issues before i tell her. Today, after a brief outline as to the events of Monday and Tuesday she gently put her hands under the back of my neck and shoulders and told me what and where the problems were. She even identified the exact place i had the tetanus jab despite me having long sleeves and not even telling her I’d had one! True talent indeed! She then went on to tell me where the breast pain was coming from and what she was going to do about it while i just laid there with my eyes closed and thanked my lucky stars that i was recommended to see her back in 2011.

While i am on the subject of recommendations, i need to mention that it’s now over six weeks since meditation was recommended to me as a way of dealing with the pain in my mons area. I am absolutely thrilled to say that I’ve not felt the need to take an opiate painkiller since my first class! I don’t even come close to understanding why it works but Annette made a point today which maybe explains it a little and that was that I was open minded enough to give it a go even though i was a little sceptical and because i felt so at ease with the lady who takes the class i was a very willing student. I have not missed a single day meditating even though sometimes it’s only for 15 minutes. Both Denise and i are feeling the benefit and regularly fall asleep listening to the “smiling minds” app which we have also found useful. I think the key is exactly that, having an open mind! All i can say is long may it continue and thank you to the person who suggested it!

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