First date as Stephanie

Wow! What a day today has been! We always planned to have Stephanie and Denise’s first date and I thought about very little else all day with an amount of apprehension but mostly with absolute excitement! This is what I have been waiting for and looked forward to so much! The bonus came out of the blue! Jill had asked us if we could drop off some plums to a friend who has a glassware business in town, well just out of town actually so this we did and were blown away by the products she made, mostly jewellery and Denise wanted to buy me something and did, a beautiful pendant and earrings set which started the conversation about when could I have my ears pierced, the answer was today!!! And so I did, I was petrified! We went into a chemist, there were several girls behind the counter, all lovely! Two of them duly ushered me to a corner of the shop after choosing some sleepers and proceeded to sit me down, do the necessary cleaning and sterilisation duties and on the count of three it was done, both ears at the same time so as not to risk me getting up and running away! It was hardly painful at all and I earned some Jellybeans for being a brave soldier!. They look amazing! I can’t believe how they feminise me! Perfect for our first date!.
After visiting the supermarket for some supplies we headed back home for a snack type of lunch and started the journey of getting ready, now this will need to be refined over time as it seemed to take an age but for a first date it was ok, shower first, taking care not to upset my new ears! Then do the watering of the gardens before hair, makeup and dressing, I looked so feminine! We had the obligatory photos and headed into town, a little late but not too bad, I was still a little apprehensive but excited at the same time, was I going to pass is the big question and a resounding yes is the answer, or I think so anyway!. The final act for the day was to Skype mum, as Stephanie! For 86, almost 87 she is just the most amazing lady, took it all in her stride and was I think happy for me.

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