Why has no one told me this before? and a birthday to look forward to.

So a couple of weeks ago i was looking for something in the pantry, most likely something to snack on but not chocolate as it has its own drawer in the fridge! Anyway the pantry was in my eyes a complete disaster zone so i took it upon myself to give it a Birthday and tidy it up. The biggest culprit seems to be the “clipit” boxes which don’t seem to stack very well and take up much more room than they should. Tidying up the pantry is also an excuse to check things for “best by” dates and dispose of anything which is over 12 months out of date! Only joking! Anyway lurking at the back was a green box labeled Green Tea. Firstly i could see no reason why we would have such a thing and secondly it seems to have been there for years. To my surprise it was still in date but that doesn’t mean that it gets to live another day. Having never tasted green tea before I decided that i would give it a fifty fifty chance, I boiled the kettle and made my first green tea. I should point out that Denise drinks six or seven cups of black tea every day whereas i can take or leave tea and much prefer coffee but try not to drink it in the evening. Anyway, i was quite surprised how very drinkable it was and a short time later made a second one just to make sure it was ok. The result was that the tea lived to see another day and i have drunk very little black tea since and much less coffee.

I have heard a few people say that green tea is good for you so tonight while relaxing in the bath decided to check it out. Wow! This stuff is going to save the world! You should read some of the claims which litter the internet, it does read as though it could be the cure for a number of things, help weight loss, help prevent some cancers, make our brain work better, give us more energy, reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s and many more benefits. I just can’t imagine why I haven’t heard of this before, anyway here’s the thing. Over the last week or ten days i have experienced less pain and more energy which is good news as work seems to have gone mad and I’m working ten hour days at the moment to get caught up a little before we head for Esperance on Friday. It might all be in my head but any improvement is very welcome. I even managed my usual 5000 step walk tonight which I haven’t been doing for some time so even Bella is happy!

Also, I’m very excited about my birthday this year, more so than usual as my best friend from school who i first met in 1972 is joining us for a few days on his way to the eastern states on business. I can’t thank him enough for making the effort to visit us and I can’t wait to show him our beautiful part of the world. When i told him my plans for 2017 he was quite shocked but obviously supportive, he asked me to give him a little time to digest it and he would be in touch in a couple of days. As the call was on Skype it wasn’t as easy to get a feel for how surprised he was so I decided to send him an email the next day. We are both very car minded so i thought i would put it in sort of car talk, i told him that maybe he should think of it like this, The engine and gearbox are the same but the bodywork is being modified/improved, i thought about it for a few minutes then wrote “actually the gearbox is being changed as well” he liked that and replied “as the yanks say, no stick on the trans!” I have never failed to catch up with him and his family on any of the 8 times I’ve been back to the UK in the last 10 years and it’s just like we have never been apart. True friends!

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