The people we meet along the way

Throughout my 33 year long career in the motor trade one of the best things for me was meeting so many wonderful people along the way. Many of these became great friends and have remained so to this day. The great thing is that it is still happening, whether it be though my business or in connection with my transition. Today was certainly no different. I have been dreading today since i booked the appointment at St John of God hospital last week but the kindness of the people who looked after me was outstanding. The procedure itself was not in anyway pleasant and after being told it would take no more than 30 minutes, 75 minutes later it was still going on i was probably not very complimentary but the staff  were all so kind and caring it made all the difference. Hopefully the results will shed some light on why i still have some swelling of my mons pubis area.

On the work side, yesterday i had the pleasure of meeting a lovely lady for whom i painted an exterior door. Sadly I wasn’t very happy with the end result as a number of flies decided they liked the smell of the paint and made a nuisance of themselves by getting stuck to it. It could have been worse though, i have plenty of paint left so if it doesn’t dry to an acceptable finish then re doing it will not ba a hardship. Having had several phone conversations and numerous text messages with the property owner before my arrival  i was fairly sure we would get along ok. I think she was maybe a little surprised at my openness regarding my transgender status and my willingness to discuss my journey but it was a pleasure to find someone genuinely interested in it. I think she was pleased to see the back of me actually as she seemed to have plenty of chores to do and i probably talked too much but she very kindly made me a cup of coffee and we chatted while it was consumed. All in all a very pleasant way to spend a few hours and get paid for the privilege and meeting genuinely nice people is always that, a privilege!

In ending tonight’s post i would like to say how much i love the way my relationship has grown with the realestate company for whom i am doing a good deal of work.  They now all know me when i go into the office and i enjoy the work they are giving me. It suits my OCD type nature and i get to meet lots of lovely people. It’s a win win situation all round!



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