A Thoroughly trying time all round!

Having sadly had two deaths since Christmas, one family one friend, i think i could be forgiven for feeling a bit below par as it was. Then throw into the equation a thyroid which feels like its on the verge of misbehaving at any moment, a lymph gland drainage system which is definitely on a go-slow and a suspicion that i may have an infection and i think you should be getting the picture. A picture which did not improve when i called the medical centre this morning and sadly got a receptionist who was having a bad day and it was only just after 8.30! She was unhelpful, unprofessional and unsympathetic to the point of being rude and actually made me feel very uncomfortable. It sadly reminded me of the very reason i defected 3km down the road almost seven years ago.

It is very  disappointing really as up to now since moving back to them i have been treated wonderfully. Needless to say it was not one of the people I usually speak to who answered the phone. She might as well have said “go somewhere else with your problems, she certainly wasn’t going to offer me an appointment with anyone or at any time.  Thankfully i had H, my psychologist at 9am who as usual gave me strategies to work with and was the voice of reason as she has been so many times over the last two and a half years. The only problem i have with this is an underlying worry that i can’t keep relying on her to bring me back when things get tough. As usual Denise has been her wonderfully supportive self with all of this and been by my side with an encouraging word or useful suggestion. I know how lucky i am to have all the beautiful people around me to care for me in all sorts of ways but sometimes it all seems to be ganging up on me. Thankfully tomorrow is another day so I’m hoping i feel bettter and more positive. I’m a big believer in the saying “a positive attitude doesn’t always work but a negative one never works” so here’s to a positive day!

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