A recommendation, a gemstone and the perfect description

I was recommended by a very dear friend to see a physiotherapist in town. Now I’ve been to a physio before and it was certainly nothing like today’s appointment. There was no stretching and pulling my limbs into positions they don’t really want to go only a very gentle touch here and there and the careful laying on of hands in very carefully chosen positions. It was also a good deal more of a psychological examination than I had expected but again in a very gentle non probing way. I had emailed a brief outline of my story a couple of days ago so as not to waste too much time during the appointment which was much appreciated so we were able to get straight down to the reason for my visit. After a short discussion I was asked to sit on the bed with my back to the physio. He put his hand on my shoulder, them my neck then my head then asked me to lay on my back. He gently laid  his hand on my painful mons area and asked me to describe the feeling. This may sound easy but it was more complex than I thought, he asked me to think carefully about the type of discomfort, it’s colour, it’s size, it’s texture, quite thought provoking and quite difficult to answer.

After some time he started placing different gemstones on me to ascertain which one might do me some good. All of his comments were thoughtful and the questions he asked were logical. During the session he asked me about the different people I was seeing or had seen during my journey. As it was one of the GPs I’ve seen who recommend me to see him but who has since moved on he asked me who I was seeing instead. I explained that I have seen several over the last ten months but the one who I was most happy with was a holistic doctor. Without hesitation he said her name and made the the most lovely comment, he described her as “an angel who walks this earth” I almost cried! He then said “reading your story it sounds as though you have surrounded yourself with people like that” I agreed and replied “I must be the luckiest girl in the world, the way I have been looked after throughout my journey has been truly humbling, so many beautiful people who seem to care for me for some reason” he said it’s a two way thing but I feel I have definitely had the best part of it.

After trying several stones he announced that the one which fits with me was hematite and that with my permission he would like to tape it to my abdomen. He explained how it works and how long to keep it there, I didn’t see him tape it to me and didn’t see how big it is but after getting home I thought I better have a look. It is much bigger than I imagined but up to now it’s not causing any problems so will see how it goes and look forward to my next visit.

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