My favourite dress arrives

So, its Christmas Eve, I’m not a fan of Christmas and think it should be changed to every 4 years but I guess that’s never going to catch on.
My day started with a text from Nick, he asked if he could come round for a chat as he needed to talk and talk we did, for almost 3 hours, he is a great friend and I feel honoured that he is able to talk to me. We have a very common interest in cars which from the start I knew we would get on well, he is very “Volkswagen minded” like me so we find lots to discuss.
Denise came home from work about 12.15 and we went into town again, a little more shopping for us both then home to get ready for Jessie coming round for afternoon tea. It’s always lovely to see Jessie, I think the world of her and we have a very special bond, she had brought my dress, I was so excited and couldn’t wait to try it on, it was perfect, the fit was amazing and it felt wonderful on and looked amazing as well. We sat and talked and had a lovely couple of hours, she brought some home made cookies as well which were lovely.
Well tomorrow is Christmas Day, I’m not a fan of Christmas but the knowledge that in 24 hours it will be almost over for another year I guess I’ll manage.

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