A different approach?

Those who know me well know of my relationship with my osteopath Annette, without her I would not be the person I am today. It wasn’t something she did in terms of her osteopathic talent which by the way is immense,  it was just an act of kindness which put me in touch with a GP who quite simply made the difference, sent me to all the right people and wouldn’t give in until she had got to the bottom of my oestrogen issue and the rest as they say is history.

Quite out of the blue during an appointment with Annette she mentioned that there is now a holistic GP practicing in Busselton and if I ever got to the stage where I perhaps needed a different approach then it might be a good idea to see her. Now I am very happy with the GP I am seeing, she has been above and beyond with me on many many cases including sending emails to me at nine pm on a Saturday evening which blew me away to think that she was in turn thinking about me at that time of the day or week. Anyway with my recent visit to hospital and the several backwards steps I seem to have made in the last month I though perhaps I have nothing to lose. I looked on the net to find which practice she operated out of and gave them a call. I told the receptionist that I had been recommended to see this particular person and could I make an appointment, she said there is quite a wait and offered me one at the end of September. I replied if that is the first available then it will be fine, she then asked me if I would like to go on her cancellation list which I did, thanked her and ended the call. A few minutes later my phone rang and it was the same receptionist to tell me she had just had a cancellation on the 15th and would I like it. I said that would be perfect and thought how lucky I had been.

So on the 15th I had the pleasure of meeting the lady, as I have said before I never mind waiting to see a doctor if they are running late, it usually means they care and don’t treat patients as numbers and this was no different. It was probably half an hour before I went in but wow, was she worth waiting for. I was immediately struck by the sense of calm around her and how lovely and friendly she was to me even though she didn’t know me from a bar of soap. I had decided to write a sort of “story so far” letter for her so I didn’t have to explain who and what I am and how I got here. She thanked me and read it thoroughly, there was the odd nod and wow and I immediately knew it had been the best way to explain why I was there and she immediately got it. She asked lots of questions, I on the other hand probably didn’t ask enough but there will be another opportunity to do that in the future. There was an empathy about her which I felt straight away and I knew she understood where I am at and had a plan to help, which, when I think about it is all I can hope for. The holistic part is without doubt for me a leap of faith but it is so obvious how much Annette helps that I think it’s something that I can work with. The very first time I met Annette she asked me to lay on the bed and put her hands around my neck and proclaimed “wow, what’s going on with your left knee” I asked her how she knew as I wasn’t limping but did indeed have a big problem with it when in bed, she said she could feel it. I was blown away with her as it was probably one and a half metres from her. I’ve been seeing her regularly ever since and I’ve never ever left her clinic feeling anything but better than when I went in which says it all.

So it’s a bit of a watch this space situation but it has given me hope and that is what I need. Just another example of how lucky I am having yet another beautiful person to add to the list of them caring about my wellbeing. A very lucky girl indeed!

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