Round three?

After a number of very positive posts I have been seriously brought down to earth in the last few days. While my visit to Busselton hospital on Saturday was a positive experience and from it I hoped to move forward, Sunday saw me back on heavyweight painkillers for the first time in three months. It started at 1am in the morning with pain that I have not experienced since very soon after my surgery and to say it scared me is I an understatement. Thankfully I still have the goods to do the job and after about twenty minutes the pain had subsided enough for me to get back to sleep. Sunday was a difficult day with a great deal of pain and the call I received from the doctor at the hospital to tell me that all the tests they had done had come back clear didn’t do much to help as it didn’t explain the pain. Monday I felt that maybe the antibiotics might be helping but there were times of excruciating pain again. Then came Tuesday, I had an appointment to see my GP in the afternoon and following the instructions on the website which I make my GP appointments on I called the surgery fifteen minutes before my appointment to see if the doctor was running on time. I was told she was so made my way there. There were two other people in the waiting room so didn’t think I would be long but thirty minutes went by and as much as it really doesn’t bother me how long I have to wait as I have been the cause of GPs running late dozens of time and I would never complain but I did wonder why I’d been told there was no hold up. Anyway wait I did but I started to feel hot and did my best take my mind off it by engrossing myself in a game on my phone but it got worse and worse and I knew if I didn’t get some air I would be in a heap on the floor. I walked to the door and said to the receptionist on my way out that I was not feeling well, I stood outside the door and took some deep breaths. After a short while I decided to go to my car and get a drink but was starting to feel faint, I made my way to the car and had a drink, it certainly helped so I decided to go back to the waiting room but sadly didn’t get there. I am certainly no stranger to fainting, it’s something that has happened far too often, I don’t usually get much warning but this time I could see it coming. I stood outside the door with my head down and the next thing I could feel myself going down and I was gone. The next thing I remember was the receptionist asking me if I was ok, I came round but couldn’t get up, she called for the nurse and between them they got me into a wheelchair. I was taken to the nurses station and my vital sign were checked, blood pressure sky high, temperature low but very clammy and washed out. All in all not good, after a while the GP came in to see what had happened, the nurse explained what had gone on and the GP told me to stay and she would see me shortly. I messaged Denise to tell her what had happened and she said she was on her way. By the time I got in to see the GP she was there, I had a fairly short appointment and it was decided that I would leave my car there and collect it later when I was feeling better. The long and short of the appointment is that the GP is going to contact a surgeon in Perth to discuss if she can help me as it now seems that further surgery is inevitable. It’s only a matter of who, when and where.

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