How lucky we are!

Today I have spent six hours of my Saturday in The Emergency Department of Busselton hospital. It all started on Thursday evening when I was out on my walk with Bella. I had been in a little bit of discomfort all day but didn’t think anything of it but while out the pain became increasingly worse. By the time I got home every step was painful and I didn’t know why, it felt like there was a swelling inside the site of my surgery and it made it very difficult to either sit or stand. By Friday I was no better so Denise called the surgery to see if I could see my GP but unfortunately she was not working again until Tuesday. After hearing what the problem was the very helpful receptionist said she would call my GP and get her advice. She called back a few minutes later after speaking with her and recommended another GP or if we felt it was an emergency then to go straight to the hospital. I didn’t think it was urgent and thought it would probably go away during the day but made an appointment to see the other GP anyway for Saturday afternoon. Unfortunately when I woke this morning the pain was worse so decided to head straight to the hospital. We were greeted with a smile and asked how we could be helped. I briefly explained the problem and the nurse was very understanding, she attracted the attention of a lady doctor and suggested that she should be the one who looked after me. I’m sure they won’t mind being named so a massive thank you to Sandra and Frank for amazing patient care. You were both wonderful with me and although I am still in some discomfort at least you were able to discount my fears of a serious problem.

This goes to show just how lucky we are to have the amazing health care we enjoy in Busselton. There was very little waiting around, I never felt that I had been forgotten, I was fed and watered, Denise was looked after and I am thoroughly thankful for an excellent experience given the circumstances. It will always be a challenge getting assistance being transgender as very few people have had any experience but today I was extremely well cared for.

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