The act of balancing on a knife edge

Today has been a harsh reminder of the knife edge I am trying to balance on at the moment and how easy it is to fall off. On Friday I had a Skype consultation with my surgeon in Philadelphia. I had sent photos the night before and the first thing she said was “you have a lot of granulation tissue happening there” while I already knew this it was still not what I wanted to hear as that was the first sign that the original surgery was going wrong back in August last year. This time though instead of going straight down the silver nitrate path which I was dreading she told me that she would send me three prescriptions for various creams and ointments which if used in the correct way might prevent the need for treatment with the silver nitrate. She offered to mail the prescriptions to me but as they are of no use over here I asked her to email them to me so I could take them to my new GP for her to convert into Australian scripts which I could then fill. Two of the creams were easy, one is a steroid cream and the other an oestrogen cream both readily available here, the third one is a little more complicated but I eventually got it sorted although it has to be ordered in so will take about a week to arrive. After discussing the scripts my GP wanted to have a look at how I am progressing and immediately announced that I had become tighter since the last time, not what I wanted to hear I can tell you. Add to these two bits of bad news the fact that the oestrogen cream then seems to have sent my hormone regime very haywire and I have well and truly fallen off the knife so today has been a bad day to say the least. There have been lots of tears for no apparent reason and all at inappropriate times so very frustrating. I did however have several better periods of time today, coffee with my good friend Chris this morning, tea with other good friends this afternoon and a very beneficial discussion with Denise tonight going over the things which have brought me down so hopefully I will be in better form tomorrow.

Thankfully we have friends coming for dinner both tomorrow night and Saturday night which will take my mind off current issues, we do so enjoy entertaining people and I will be well and truly in charge of catering tomorrow as Denise is at work all day. Having got into the cooking thing only recently there is some pressure to get things perfect but I am getting more proficient at it especially timing so am really looking forward to the challenge. Hopefully our guests will be happy and we will all have very enjoyable evenings on both days. In reality the catering is secondary to the pleasure of being with friends but I want to do a good job as in keeping with my perfectionist nature!

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