Delicate discussions

Today I went over to the block again to check on progress, I drove over in just a vest top and shorts, it was going to be a hot one! On arriving in Nannup I decided to pay a visit to the toilets and chose the ladies as I was dressed accordingly, I didn’t see anyone, there were people around doing various maintenance but no one close enough to give me a second look. After visiting the plumbers, answering a few questions and taking some progress photos I spent a little time sorting to caravan then headed home, again via the ladies!, my confidence is building day by day!. I decided when I got home to get changed and call in to see Alison, she is like a sister to me, like the sister I never had but longed for, I really want to tell her and Chris but don’t know how to and how to handle their 14 year old daughter, I personally think she would be fine with it but want it to be their decision as to who actually tells her. Anyway we had a good chat stood under a tree on the road side, we didn’t just talk about me, we discussed her mum whom I know well and her brother who I know even better and have done since I was twelve. The decision was that she would talk to Chris and then to the daughter and ask if she wanted to be part of the discussion, anyway we are having dinner with them on Friday so will see how it goes, these are the most difficult people I have had to tell up to now, I so desperately don’t want to upset the friendship I have with Chris, I’m sure Alison will be fine but time will I suppose tell!.

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