Pleased to be back in Busselton plus an amazing talent.

I have now been home for a week and although there have been some challenges and some disappointments it’s good to be home. The pets all say they have missed me but I’m not sure about Bella, I have a sneaky feeling she gets utterly spoiled while we are away!

My recovery seems to be progressing in the right direction but in truth I won’t know if the main reason for needing the surgery has been a success for several months, after all, the first round seemed to be getting there until about the 4 month post surgery consultation where I was told that I needed further work so everything is crossed!

After a shaky start the weather in Busselton is now perfect, temperatures in the high twenties during the day but cool enough at night to allow sleeping without the aircon on and it’s set to continue that way until after Christmas. I have been doing a few little jobs but in general taking it easy. I have had several medical appointments this week which have all been good apart from Wednesday when I had my last appointment with my GP who is taking a sabbatical and has left the practice. I will miss her dearly, she has been a rock for me over the last five years and I literally would not be the person I am today without her help, she has been quite simply amazing. My appointment on Friday was with the lady who introduced me to my GP back in 2012 and what a talent. She practices a holistic type of osteopathy which suits me very well as it gets results without much pain, I guess you have to believe in the methods she uses or you might think it’s all a bit tame but on Friday she absolutely blew me away. I went into her office and took a seat next to her desk, we had a short discussion, I then took off my shoes, watch and jewellery and laid on my back. She sat at my head and gently put her hands around my neck and as usual I felt some small movements with her fingers but not much else, she then moved to my side, placing one hand under my sacrum and the other behind my shoulder, again a few light movements but certainly nothing painful. She then went back to my neck and then back to my side then announced that there was a problem in that the top was somehow not connected to the bottom. Now she had no idea what work I had had done in Philadelphia so I asked her what she meant by the top not being connected to the bottom when my toes and everything worked. She proceeded to try at my side again then I asked her if the position of the skin graft was relevant and lifted my blouse up,to show her the scar. Then she was happy, said that’s why I couldn’t get through, I was amazed, she had known that there was something which was interrupting the flow of information from my top to the bottom but had no idea about the skin graft, all this when she hadn’t done anything but just a few minor adjustments with her fingers while holding me and it gets better. She somehow joined up the two halves but announced that something was slightly out of line. She spent a little more time then I mentioned that my tummy button is slightly of line now, god knows how but it is slightly to the right. She had not known this without seeing it but the vibes were coming back to her we not from very far away and somehow she knew I was slightly out of line, what an amazing person.

Anyway it’s past my bed time so I will close now and look forward to a very good sleep hopefully, Christmas Eve tomorrow so am guessing the town will be manic so a good place to avoid!

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