Round two surgery completed!

This is Denise writing as Steph is still not up to putting finger to keyboard.

After a very long day yesterday the good news is that Steph has come round from the operation and is in good spirits – making the nurses laugh and inviting everybody out to Australia on holiday.  I hope they don’t all turn up the same time!  Everyone here is very interested in Australia – it still has the reputation of being the land of plenty – plenty of sun, beaches, wonderful people (of course) and plenty of dangerous animals (we got asked if it rained spiders – where did that come from?)  The lovely orderly wheeling Steph away from me to Pre-Op was obviously interested in Astronomy and the last I saw of Steph was him demonstrating his knowledge of The Southern Cross to her.  She seemed to have other things on her mind so I don’t think she was giving him her full attention!

She was in Pre-Op and the Operating Room for a very long time.  It was a long wait but she finally got allocated a room at 5pm.  She was very groggy and nauseous – still is this morning.   We have yet to speak to the surgeon but have spoken to a Doctor who was present who told us all went well.   It seems strange that they are discharging her today – I would have preferred her to have an extra day here.  At least we are going back to the Surgeons rooms so feel that help is very accessible if needed.   Steph also had a call at 8pm last night from Kami (who is front office manager at the clinic) who wanted to know how she was going – very special and it is a measure of the kindness and the level of care that we have been shown.

We are being looked after very well here at Hahnemann Hospital –  we even met two of the nurses who looked after Steph last time.   We are on a different floor – more modern and the room is larger.  Apparently the hospital has been sold and the new owners take over in January so it will be interesting to see if the level and quality of care changes in the future – NOT THAT WE HAVE ANY INTENTION OF COMING BACK (but then we said that last time 😄).

Well, medication has arrived and dressings will soon be changed so I will sign off and hand you back to Steph for the next post.

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