Gorgeous people and a bonus too

After a seemingly never ending journey we finally arrived at the surgeon’s clinic in the suburb of Ardmore, Philadelphia. Apart from a very stroppy lady at the car rental place our journey was good, the flights were good apart from a little turbulence on the first leg which we have had before, the hotel in Doha was excellent and we had no problems getting through immigration here in Philadelphia, the guy actually wished me luck with the surgery which I thought was nice of him. Now bearing in mind that the surgeon is letting us have the recovery suite for 15 days at no cost to us I wasn’t too upset to have to give it a bit of a clean, especially the bathroom. The suites are a bit tired but homely and the bed is comfortable, the cooking facilities are a little restricted but it’s warm and cosy which is a bonus because it’s pretty fresh outside so we’ll manage I’m sure.

One of the things I have really looked forward to is catching up with the team at Rumer Cosmetics especially Kami the front office manager. She has been so good to me over the last six months, never failing to to reply to an email or question and always friendly and helpful as they all have been with me and it didn’t disappoint, they all gave us big hugs and were pleased to see us again. My first appointment with the surgeon was scheduled for 10am, I have to say I was a little nervous particularly when we were showed to a consulting room and I was told to undress and sit on the dreaded chair, legs akimbo and wait for Kathy to come in. Now it’s a small room and the chair takes up a large part of it but when Kathy came in she was not alone, Jenn was with her who I know reasonably well from last two me but also a doctor in training so the room was pretty claustrophobic, not good for me at the moment but anyway it wasn’t going to be for long hopefully. Now one thing I learned from the last visit was that there is no dignity involved once you step through the door into the clinic, each of them had a look, Kathy had a squeeze here and a press there then the dreaded lubricant appeared! I knew this was going to hurt but she was kind and saw how much so didn’t push too hard and it was all over. Then came the conversation about what she was going to do and how and here comes the bonus! Anyone who has known me for more than the last five years will know that for much of the first 51 years of my life I was substantially over weight, the down side to that is that there is quite a lot of skin spare in my midriff, well fortunately, she needs a bit to basically re-line me so I get to have a little tummy tuck in the process! And I’m not even paying for it, how good  is that? The only down side is that it will restrict my movement for a while and how much I can do for some time but as she said, it is needed so might as well come from there!

The rest of the day has been spent getting supplies in for my preparation, I’m not sure what time my surgery is yet so can’t let anyone know but should find out tomorrow. On the whole it’s been a good day today, the weather is cold but bright and sunny so reasonably pleasant to be in. Philadelphia seems to be much easier to navigate a second time around, our hire car is a Nissan Juke which is comfortable and easy for Denise to manage which is good as I am not insured to drive it, roll on Wednesday and getting the surgery over!

One thought on “Gorgeous people and a bonus too”

  1. Thinking of you on Wednesday Stephanie!
    Fingers crossed for a successful operation and tummy tuck!
    Katie and the Parkies. Xx

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