Round two!

When I first learned that I needed further surgery back in September I was distraught to say the least, it had never been talked about, thought about or considered so it took me completely by surprise. Two months on and I am in a completely different place, the surgeon and her team have been amazing with me and in a strange sort of way I am quite excited to be going back. Round two will be much easier, we know the place, the people, the area and what to expect on November 29th! There will be lots of unpleasant moments I know but I am treating it as just a bump in the road to me being the person I so want to be and should have been from day one. My psychologist has equipped me with strategies for dealing with the tough moments which have helped no end and I am really quite confident that all will be ok. One hurdle I needed to get over was hair, Kathy will expect me to be pretty much hair free for the surgery so a start was made today by my gorgeous friend Linny from next door but one, my first ever Brazilian! It wasn’t as painful as I expected, yes it stung a bit but didn’t last long and there are still some which need dealing with but will wait till nearer the day of the surgery, the biggest part of it is done and without any problems so I will take that as a good omen.

The last two weeks have been quite a roller coaster, I think the momentum has slowly been building and as I sit here writing this, our departure time is less than 20 hours away and there is still much to do, I need to finish packing to start with, deciding what to take is a challenge, we know it’s going to be cold but just how cold is the question, I have been getting regular updates from the girls at the clinic but I guess it can change quickly, who knows there may be snow! Kami, the front office manager tells me that Philadelphia is lovely in the run up to Christmas, I don’t somehow think I will be in a fit state to see much of it but in the second week after my surgery I might venture out a bit and see what’s going on. Also in the last two weeks I have been overwhelmed by the number of people wanting to catch up and wish me well or phoning me to to say hope all goes well, I am so lucky to have so many wonderful friends and have the support and love, I am truly blessed!

Denise will most likely do a post soon after my surgery to let everyone know that I am ok, after that I’m sure I will be posting more regularly as the trip unfolds and I regain some strength, the anaesthetic wasn’t too bad last time so am hoping it will be ok this time, I’m not looking forward to the needle but I’m sure with my strategies I will cope!


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