Busy but great day

What a day! Today has been a day of appointments with one very big milestone! It started with my weekly piano lesson with David, always an enjoyable experience and today was no exception, we covered “what a wonderful world” then looked at “I hope you dance” which we will work on further next time. Then came my 7th appointment with Hayley, this time I had lots to discuss including my planned surgery, my realisation that my journey is a massive opportunity which far out ways the negative side of the last forty plus years and we discussed Jessie and my relationship with her and how important it is to me. Next came coffee with my best friend Chris, back from Europe for Christmas and how I wish he wasn’t going away again in January!. After lunch came the milestone, I decided to go to my speech therapy lesson as Stephanie, my first outing in daylight fully dressed as a female and I can’t tell you how much it meant to me, Leah was amazing! She complemented me on how I looked which was a big confidence boost and I felt just so comfortable. Leah is a really lovely person who is so obviously enjoying being part of my journey and is putting so much into my lessons. After driving home I went to see a potential house painting job with would be great to get even if I would rather be building at Nannup then out for dinner with Bernie and a view to telling her but when we arrived there were 4 settings at the table and she announced that her house mate would be joining us, a lady called Cindy who we had not met before but really nice so after dinner I decided to tell my story, there were shocked to say the least even said “you’re joking aren’t you ” at first but after I assured them I wasn’t I told them the full story are they were both interested and supportive which in general is how everyone has been up to now, I know that will not be true of everyone I tell, there are going to be those who have an opinion and won’t be supportive, hopefully I will have gained enough confidence to handle those people and if they no longer want to be part of my life then I have to look at it as their loss not mine.

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