Down to earth with a resounding thump!

After a great number of emails trying to organise it I finally managed to sort my three month post surgery consultation with Dr Rumer, it was actually 15 weeks but don’t think the outcome would have been much different if I’d had it earlier. I have been finding it increasingly difficult to dilate and it’s not hard to see why when you look closely and the disappointing result is that I need further surgery and as soon as possible. Unfortunately as we are still in the UK it will be difficult to do anything about it until we get back next week but I either need to find a surgeon in Australia who is both willng to take on some revision work and capable of putting it right or make the decision to travel to Philadelphia again, not something I would look forward to as which ever way you look at it, it’s a bloody long way to travel and then find somewhere to stay for however long it takes to heal enough to travel back not to mention the cost side of things, flights, car hire, accommodation etc so in reality I don’t think I will go that way but guess it will depend if I can find someone at home willing and able to do the job.

To say I am disappointed with having to have further surgery would be a massive understatement. I probably naively thought that if I did everything right as instructed by Heather (Dr Rumer’s now departed PA) I would breeze through the surgery and my recovery would be swift, she said I needed to be my optimum weight, be fitter than I had ever been and as healthy as possible and I followed her instructions to the letter, policed by Denise who carefully monitored what I ate in the final month to ensure I didn’t inadvertently have anything which might cause blood thinning, I have never felt better and I’m sure my pure excitement showed. In reality I never actually gave my recovery a seconds thought, I was so focused on the 30th of may that it just didn’t feature. In the scheme of things I should have given it more thought I know but anyway it is what it is and now I need to focus on putting it right even though I have no intention of ever using it for what it is meant for it really needs to work for my own peace of mind.

Today is our last day in Wales, tomorrow we head east back to Guildford where we are to spend the last few days of our trip. The good news is that it has to be the most relaxing place to stay in the whole of the uk, Steve and Amanda are just beautiful people so it will be a lovely end to our trip. Thankfully we are traveling business class back to Australia so the flights should be almost enjoyable, we are so looking forward to being back home, back in our own bed, own shower, Busselton and all our friends.

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