First day in Liverpool

After a long day traveling from South Wales to Liverpool yesterday we arrived at the Adelphi hotel and were met at the door by our good friends David and Lynette. The hotel is old and a little tired but our room is clean and spacious so it will be ok. We settled in and prepared for dinner out at the Hard days night hotel just up the road, this was the preferred hotel to stay in but only had one room left when David tried to book for us and so the next best was the Adelphi, the good part about being here is that many of the attractions of Beatleweek are here so we are in the middle of things as it were.

Today has been a busy one and I will probably pay for it tomorrow but hopefully I will sleep ok as tomorrow is also a busy one. The day started with breakfast at 7.30 then a quick return to our room to get ready for the days action. First on the list was a National Trust tour to the childhood homes of both John Lennon and Paul McCartney. John’s home was a “nice for its day” three bedroom semi detached house in a nice residential area which was purchased by Yoko Ono and given to the national trust so it is preserved in a fairly original state for people to visit for many years to come. Paul’s home was a three bedroom terraced house also owned by the trust and kept as original as possible. Both were interesting to see and we were shown round by two excellent guides.

Our afternoon activity was high tea at the aptly named “Panoramic 34” which is on the 34th floor of a building overlooking the Mersey. The weather was perfect for the job, very clear and the perfect temperature for walking to the venue. Now I have had a reasonable amount of experience when it comes to high tea and the expectations were high, they didn’t disappoint in any way, basically 4 courses starting with a tempura prawn followed by 4 dainty little sandwiches, then 2 small scones with jam and clotted cream and to finish 4 little speciality cakes, washed down with a very acceptable glass of champagne and to end a nice cup of tea. This is what a high tea should be like, sadly we have had one or two lately which have been sadly lacking so this has lifted the bar considerably! We are planning to visit a place when we are back in South Wales so will see how that rates, I am looking forward to the comparison although I can’t see the view being able to complete, time alone will tell!!!

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