Hopefully getting back to normal

The last couple of days have been quite encouraging really, on Saturday I drove to Perth and back, we had a 30th birthday party to attend and did a couple of other jobs while we were there and given the foul weather we have been having I think we did well firstly not to get soaked and secondly after an incident just outside Bunbury on the way back we consider ourselves lucky to get home in one piece! As it is the subject of a Police enquiry I won’t go into detail but in short, after following two Police cars with flashing lights for a short distance,( we were the next car on the road) The van they were trying to stop then turned around on a junction and headed north on the south bound carriage way with no lights on at all, thankfully we were the only car on that piece of the road and were able to stay well out of its way but a scary moment all the same! The good news for me was that the drive went ok, I am feeling more comfortable sitting every day and managed with the help of a visit to the BP services both going up and coming home to stay very alert and not feel as though I would rather be at home in bed! I must say the Santa Fe seems to get better and better, it’s so comfortable and quiet and excellent on fuel so you don’t feel you’re breaking the bank with a trip to Perth and back as it doesn’t use much over half a tank. Having said that we were pleased to get home, it was such an awful night weather wise it not good to be out on the roads.

Today I have had a trip to Nannup to check on the block, our neighbour reported that we have had some storm damage, a couple of trees down and big ones at that, surprisingly one of them was a seemingly healthy Jarrah, a big tree but when you look at the roots there is not much holding it into Mother Earth and in the end it gave up. I’m sure there will be a winter’s worth of firewood in just that tree but it will Take some time to dry out enough to burn. The other one was mainly dead so as I took the chainsaw I spent some time tidying it up and even though it’s a red gum there will be some good firewood in it. I used a tank full of fuel and probably had the best out of the freshly sharpened chain so called it a day and the chainsaw will give me a job tomorrow to get it sharp for another day of course being careful not to damage my painted finger nails! On arriving home I decided to have a bath, first one since my surgery, I’ve missed them so much, I think when it’s cold and unpleasant outside there is nothing like soaking in a lovely warm bath to refresh your weary bones after some fairly hard work. The good thing is that neither days activities seem to have done me any harm so I must be on the mend, great news as it’s only two and a half weeks till we head off to the UK and I want to be fairly fit for that.

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