Stroke of genius!

After weeks and weeks of terrible sleeping there is some hope, in fact more than hope that an answer has been found! At my two weekly visit to my GP we talked about the sleep problem at length and she gave me a script for a tiny blue tablet called Endep, what a difference! The night before my visit was probably one of my worst, I was up 7 times, once every hour I was in bed, not good in terms of getting restful sleep! Just one 10mg tablet the next night reduced this to 4 times, still too many but a big improvement, next night 3 times and last night just once! Wow what a difference! And no notable after effects. The trick is definitely to take the tablet straight after dinner so it has time to get into the system before bed time which might be an issue if we are out but up to now has been easy. A true stroke of genius, I’m sure getting a good night’s rest will make such a difference to my recovery and general well being, thank you once again!

Yesterday I drove to Bunbury with my very good friend Chris, I wanted to call in and see two people who I have known for over 10 years, one who is an ex work colleague and the other who I met through my ex wife Julia, both work at Bunbury Nissan so after visiting McDonald’s for a coffee we went in to catch up with them. Now neither of them have seen me as Stephanie but both have been very supportive and have kept in touch with me throughout. We went into the showroom and I immediately saw Gary sat behind his desk in the parts department, he was on the phone so I waited until he had finished and said hi Gary, he got up from his desk and came across and gave me a big hug, I can’t tell you how much that means, it’s a small thing but somehow a hug from someone who before I would have shaken hands with seems very important in the whole acceptance thing. We talked for a while then George appeared, just the same reaction, it somehow makes me feel ten feet tall, they were both really pleased for me and wanted to know how I was going but then we talked just like old times, we talked about the motor trade, about the various products they sell, their merits or otherwise and the state of the industry at the moment. They were both very busy and had to keep dealing with customers but kept coming back to us to continue talking. After about 40 minutes I decided we better move on so there were more hugs and we spoke about keeping in touch and catching up again after we get back from the UK in September. As we were walking out of the showroom door I noticed a grey corolla pull up outside the showroom but didn’t think anymore about it, we had just about got to our car when I heard a voice say Steph behind me and turned around to see the two people who had been in the corolla had got out and it was George’s wife and youngest daughter who I haven’t seen for probably seven or eight years, it was just gorgeous, more hugs and more encouragement, people are so kind to me, it was lovely to see them again and we agreed to catch up properly when we get back in September.

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