A challenging week!

This week has had its ups and downs that’s for sure! On the up side we have had two very enjoyable sets of visitors for dinner, one on Wednesday and one on Friday, I so enjoy having people round and touch wood, we haven’t had any disasters yet, no one has complained so our cooking can’t be too bad! I also had a very enjoyable day on Tuesday cooking up some dishes for the freezer so we can have dinners with out a lot of fuss if we need to which is always a bonus.

On the down side, on Tuesday  I got to thinking I should make an effort and try to dilate with the next size up, now i don’t ever envisage having a relationship with a male but by the same token it really needs to work, after all that’s what I paid for! Anyway, I tried,  it not only wouldn’t go in but it wouldn’t go close to going in so I decided to send an email to the surgeon’s 2iC in Philadelphia to get her take on it. Bearing in mind that it was 4pm when I sent the page long email so 4am over there, imagine how surprised I was when I got several emails straight back, I expected them just to say that the office was closed and someone would be in touch but instead it said the Heather, the 2iC no longer worked for Rumer Cosmetic Surgery and that my enquiry/concern would be forwarded to another member of staff and dealt with from there. Now after my Skype consultation on Friday which was a little less than satisfactory I felt that she had been dismissive with me but that is generally her nature so hadn’t really thought much about it but in actual fact it is no great loss as she was definitely the weak link in the whole organisation, the only one out of the 5 who didn’t seem to work as part of the team so I’m not disappointed. I decided my next move was to call the surgery when it opened at 9pm our time but in the mean time sent an email to Kami, the front office manager asking how to proceed with my issue. The phone call went to message bank and so I sent another email just asking Kami when a good time to talk would be, she replied and asked me to forward the email which I had sent to Heather to her and she would deal with it. Shortly after, I got one back saying that Kathy would like to Skype with me on Thursday and 2.30pm which although meant 2.30am for us I thought would be good.

So there we were, 2.30am Thursday, sat in bed waiting for the call, it got to 2.40 and I realised that 2.30 pm their time would be Friday morning not Thursday!!! We would have probably been awake at some point during the night anyway so I wasn’t over disappointed but a little annoyed with myself! We went out for dinner on Thursday with lovely friends but we’re back in good time, headed to bed about 10pm and set our alarm for 2am so  I had time to wake up and make myself look presentable, however, I was up going to the bathroom about 1.20 and I heard an email come through somread it, it was from Kami who asked if Kathy could do the consult then instead of 2.30 so i quickly asked Kami to give us 5 minutes and we were set. What a difference to Friday, no dismissive attitude, just very helpful and kind, we were online for almost 20 minutes and at the end I thanked her for her time, she agreed to send a different size dilater and some medication to me and said if my GP has any questions she is more than happy to answer them which I thought was very helpful.

As we were entertaining on Friday evening there was shopping to do after meeting a good friend in town for coffee, sadly during that time Denise received a call from her daughter that her car had been broken into and a window smashed so this would need to be sorted as well today. On arriving home we got out her insurance documents and Denise made a call to them, it was soon clear that it wouldn’t be an insurance job as the excess would be more than the window but she did tell us where to go to get it sorted and how much it would be, it sounded a lot for a door glass to me so I thought I would make some enquiries of my own, after making a couple of calls I got the number of the guy who did all our windscreen repairs when I worked at the dealership and gave him a call. Now he only knows me as Robin so I thought this is going to be interesting to say the least. I will have known him for over ten years and he too is English so I made the call, told him my name and said I had got his number from a friend and told what the problem was, there was a short pause so I just said “do you know who this is?” He answered, I would recognise that voice anywhere! So I came clean as it were, asked if he had heard that I had transitioned to which the answer was no, I gave him a very brief explanation and he just spoke to me as if nothing had changed, called me Rob a couple of time and then apologised but was excellent, just no fuss, no remarks and he said he would price the glass and come back to me, this he did very shortly afterwards and the glass will be here on Tuesday. A perfect example of how understanding and wonderful people can be and I look forward to seeing him on Tuesday as Stephanie.

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