Best day yet

If I could just sort the sleeping problems out I’m sure my recovery would be swift! Sadly another broken nights sleep which is doing neither of us any favours but in today’s case it was followed by a productive and very enjoyable day. We didn’t get up very early due to being up for some time, several times in the night but once up after a breakfast of porridge I headed into town to do the weekly shopping. I have plans this week which is good, we are entertaining on Wednesday evening so there is the catering for that to do plus as I’m feeling more like doing things I have in my head a whole list of things I would like to achieve, one of which is stocking the freezer with home made “instant” meals, so shopping today involved getting supplies to make some things tomorrow while Denise is at work along with the rest of the weekly requirements.

Although town was busy, probably due to it being the last day of the school holidays the supermarket was not too bad and as the weather was good, sun shining, not cold, everyone seemed in a good mood. Particularly in my case, if the sun shines I feel so much better in myself and although we haven’t really had any cold weather since we got back from the States we have had some dull miserable days which I find remind me too much of my time in the uk and how depressing the weather is there. I took my time in the supermarket, going up and down the isles fulfilling my shopping list plus a few extra things which took my eye. Disappointingly there were a few basic items out of stock which I needed for cooking tomorrow so after packing the stuff in the car I decided to walk to Woolworths to get them from there, as is usually the case I found some other things which were on special so finished up with a basket full from there as well. I drove home in the sunshine and unpacked the groceries, had some late lunch and decided to chop a little bit of kindling as I had run out and would need some to light the fire later, that turned into splitting a few logs, which turned into splitting a few more and before I knew it the three alcoves which I put firewood in were full. While it may sound like a strange thing to enjoy, I absolutely love chopping wood, there is a nack to it and it’s certainly not hard work if you work smart, I even attempted to show Denise how to do it as she was concerned about my over exerting myself but that wasn’t too successful so she just carried the chopped ones into the store. I can’t tell you how much satisfaction it gave me, the surgeon’s 2iC said on Friday it was ok to do some light exercise so I wasn’t too concerned about doing any damage and touch wood there has been no reaction to it but in terms of how good it made me feel it has been incredible, like I’m almost back to normal, I have done a few little jobs since and am excited about my progress. Even dilating tonight wasn’t too painful, it’s still uncomfortable and the thought of having to do it for the rest of the year at least doesn’t thrill me much but as it gets less painful it’s not too bad. I would like to to have thought that after a day using some energy I might have slept better tonight but here we are again, 1.30am and wide awake, before you say or think it, I know writing this is not going to help me sleep as it only stimulates the brain but it fills in the time while I drink my tea! Bring on tomorrow!

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