A small rant and hope

Let’s start with the rant! It’s only a small one but one which really annoys me a great deal. At the moment I probably have more spare time than most, it’s not because I want to have as I would much rather be at our block in Nannup building my house. There are a hundred and one jobs which I could be doing but due to the fact that most involve a degree of lifting or stretching are off limits at the moment, thankfully I have my 6 week post op Skype meeting with the surgeon on Friday night and I will hopefully get a better idea of what I can and can’t do and when I should be safe to get back to full strength jobs although I have lost so much condition over the last 6 weeks it will take some time.

The rant is about people who never return your emails or messages, the most frustrating one is in the middle of a backwards and forwards series of mails or messages and the other participants just stop, no explanation and it leaves you wondering what you did wrong. The other one is the one who tells you they are a little busy over the next couple of days but will get back to you straight after that and that is the last you hear from them and you just think, if you have a problem with me or what I’m doing then at least have the balls (excuse the pun) to say so and talk about it, don’t just not ever reply it is just rude. The problem is that none of the three people I am aiming this at read my blog I don’t think so it not going to do any good but just as a warning hey! So if you have a problem let’s talk about it, problems don’t usually solve themselves without some discussion at least and it’s good to talk!

On a much happier note, this afternoon we visited a very pleasant young lady in Provence who specialises in hair removal, something which is a real issue to me as the lack of testosterone doesn’t seem to be doing much to deal with my facial hair and I have tried the home use IPL system, it bloody hurts and doesn’t seem to have done much good either. Anyway this is clearly a much more sophisticated method but using similar technology, the best thing is that it doesn’t hurt so I have had my consultation and my patch test which doesn’t seem to have caused a reaction and am going for my first treatment on Friday. I’m sure it will take a number of treatments before I notice any real improvement and our trip to the uk is going to upset the timing a little bit but any improvement is good news as far as I am concerned and the fact that it doesn’t hurt is a bonus! I know what you are thinking, no pain no gain but I am assured it works and today, although only a test was totally pain free, whether it will be a bit different on my face I don’t know but am optimistic. Will post after Friday’s session, it could be a big one as I will also have my consultation with the surgeon to report on!

2 thoughts on “A small rant and hope”

  1. Hi Stephanie{mate} if you need any help with anything in Nannup or anywhere eg lifting or manual labour please give me a call. Best wishes Pete

    1. Hi Pete, thanks for that, it’s really kind of you, I think we are ok at the moment but will let you know if anything crops up. When are we catching up?
      Would be good to see you both even if just for coffee sometime! And yes “mate” is fine! Cheers Stephanie xx

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