It only takes one person!

After what I can confidently say was my worst nights sleep since getting home today was always going to be a challenge, I’m not sure why I didn’t sleep but it felt like the longest night ever, up and down to the bathroom and I just tossed and turned all night. I had lots of little jobs to do plus coffee with Alison and some shopping for Denise, I was to have had a meeting with the bank to deal with my name change but it was canceled and re booked for Thursday.

The day started slowly with a fairly relaxed dilation, I don’t enjoy any of them but the first of the day is always the worst, however, it has to be done and it was, I then got ready to go into town to meet Alison and do the shopping. Catching up with Alison was good, we had a good chat and nice coffee, then I did Denise’s shopping then a visit to Coles. I don’t mind supermarket shopping, I enjoy picking up stuff which is on special and there was plenty today, I didn’t want a lot so only used a basket but it was full by the time I had finished. As all the self check outs were busy and there were a few people waiting I looked to see if there was an ordinary check out available, the one at the end was the best, one person just putting her last few things on the belt so I headed that way. On arriving I noticed it was my favourite check out lady but for some reason I have not bumped into her since I started going out as Stephanie back in April so when it was my turn I said hello ……… how are you, she replied but I could see she didn’t really recognise me so I said “long time no see” she looked at me again so I said “I haven’t seen you since I swapped sides” she looked at me and flung her arms around me, gave me the biggest hug and whispered in my ear, you look amazing, are you happy? To which I obviously replied “very” she gave me another complement about how I looked and asked how my family had been with my transitioning, I told her that Denise has been amazing as had all my friends. You could just tell she was so happy for me, she gave me another hug and it absolutely made my day! It didn’t matter how tired I was I felt ten feet tall, so happy, that’s all it takes, someone to be happy for you, I almost cried! I went back to the car and just sat and thought how lucky I am to have all these people giving me love and support and above all being happy for me. The rest of my jobs in town went very easy, I was in such a happy frame of mind, yet another example of how people have been with me, so blessed!

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