Beware of getting too confident

Having had a really good day on Thursday following my best nights sleep I went to bed on Thursday night expecting more of the same, this wasn’t to be the case though! Firstly I was up more time to go to the bathroom in the first three hours than I he’d been the whole of Wednesday night and secondly, when I got up at around 2.30am I was in considerable pain so I don’t know if I had pulled something when turning over or what I had done but it was not good! A cup of tea was organised and a couple of plain biscuits before taking a painkiller to calm things down. Half an hour later the pain had subsided and I settled back down with just one more visit to the bathroom before morning.

I guess in some ways it isn’t a bad thing that there was a slight hiccup in my recovery as if I’d had two good nights rest I would probably have tried to do far too much today, as it was I had a fairly relaxing day for me, spent a good deal of it writing to people, communicating via messenger with various people and a small amount of  very light jobs around the place, nothing which involved lifting or excessive bending so hopefully I will be good tonight. It’s only 8 days till my stepping out party and I want to be in good shape by then, I know I will probably need a sleep during the day as by about 9 pm I am tired and hopefully by that stage to party will just be getting going! I’m also hopeful that by then I will have more energy as we discovered yesterday that I am lacking in iron, probably due to the fact that I have been bleeding for over a month, not a massive amount but just enough to cause a problem and make me anaemic. Anyway, tablets have been purchased and I will hopefully be on the mend in a few days. It certainly makes sense that there is something sapping my energy as I don’t have to do very much at all before I need to sleep again which is totally not me, I am usually on the go all the time and have trouble doing any sort of relaxing so it’s good to find a reason for it.

Making sure that everyone who I needed to tell before the event was told was always going to be tricky and the danger of telling one person but missing another was always going to be a possibility, one which came up last night. I probably should have spent more time telling members of my extended family in the uk than I did but knowing where to stop and knowing who would actually be interested anyway was always going to be a challenge. Hopefully my apologetic email and an explanation of my story will be enough to avert a problem and the offer of a face to face Skype or FaceTime will be taken up as it’s much better to talk face to face even if you are at different sides of the world, I guess time alone will tell.


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