Last stop before heading home

Today we drove from Lambertville closer to Philadelphia city to our final accommodation before heading home. We are now in a resort style apartment in a place called Plymouth Meeting, a huge complex of 4 storey buildings and the usual resort things like swimming pools etc. It’s a pity I can’t use the pool as it looks really nice and the weather is hot, there also doesn’t seem to many people around which is a bonus. The funny thing is that obviously the owner of the apartment is not really allowed to have it on Airbnb and has given us strict instructions not to talk to anyone about who we are and under what circumstances we are staying here, to be quite honest I would be tempted to drop her in it as it’s not really in the spirit of Airbnb but the apartment is nice, well equipped and clean and I probably won’t be venturing far to come into contact with anyone anyway.

Talk about the sublime to the ridiculous, one of the very few complaints I would have had about the last place was the bed, yes it was comfortable but as it was only about 12 inches off the ground, had this very annoying plinth around it and a memory foam mattress which tend to be a bit dead when you get into them it was pretty difficult to get in and out of between one of us recovering from surgery and the other being a bit stiff from arthritis, this place however, I think Denise is going to need a step ladder to get in and out of it, it’s about waist high for me but again it’s comfortable and a big bed.

Its only about 67 hours now till we fly out and we are both very excited about it, while the flights will be long and even in business class I’m sure not super comfortable being on our way home will give us both a big boost I’m sure. We are hoping that when we get to Doha the Airline will be able to put us up in the Airport hotel so we don’t need to get visas and only need to be there 1 hour before the plane leaves the next day as it will leave more time to relax before our flight but I guess time will tell. The lovely Kami from Dr Rumer’s office has given me a letter confirming the need for a wheelchair and requesting I be taken on board first and off first at the other end which will be a novelty, I will feel a bit of a fraud as I can walk a certain amount but soon get sore and tired so there’s no point in pushing myself too hard at this stage.

One final thing, yesterday’s “f” word tally was very close, Stephanie 6 Denise 5 so a score of one I think is very impressive in the circumstances, we have also agreed that the odd indiscretion while dilating is acceptable as it’s both very painful and uncomfortable and the odd descriptive word makes me feel better. I’m sure you will agree that a result of just one is good one though!

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