One other thing

After a fairly dismal showing yesterday we have agreed on some new rules for the bad language game today, yesterday I managed to use the “f” word 19 times, now I didn’t think that too bad as I can think of lots of days when that would be an hourly count!

Anyway, the rules from today are as follows, if I use the f word then it’s 1 point away but if Denise uses it I get 1 point back, well today at this point I am 2 points up as I have been very good today and Denise has not! This is a much more fun game and one I think will be good for me! I’m not saying that by the end of the day I will still be in front but will have made a big improvement on yesterday!

2 thoughts on “One other thing”

  1. You rotter!!! I only swear because I have learnt the bad habit from you. Game on Stephanie 😁!

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