Been a bit slack!

I have been pretty slack recently and not posted anything, there are a number of reasons for this, the main one being that I don’t seem to be progressing very well at the moment, I think I over did things when we drove up here, I was on the go most of the day with one thing and another and it’s taken its toll. On Thursday I was just shattered all day but picked up a bit late afternoon so we decided that a very steady walk over the bridge to New Hope would be ok, I have to say the deciding factor here was the promise of an ice cream on the way, I love ice cream and haven’t had one for a few days so thought it a great idea. Well the ice cream was perfect, the service was poor, the guy in the shop had zero personality and had I not been really wanting the ice cream I would have moved on! We also needed some tea and coffee and found a shop which did both and again the service was very poor, seriously, a smile and happy face plus showing some degree of actually wanting to help you shouldn’t be too much to ask but it’s been sadly lacking up to now in Lambertville. Shop owners don’t realise that it makes such a difference to have someone bright and bubbly and willing to help behind the counter, the chance of us returning to either store is zero and repeat business is so important in retail.

Anyway, rant over for now, the walk didn’t do me any good either so it’s a good job the ice cream was good, I actually struggled to climb the 18 steps up to the apartment! The result of this is that I have been banned from going out for two days and at the end of them I do feel better, I guess I need to learn to relax and not be on the go all the time as I’m used to, after all it is just three months and then I have the rest of my life to enjoy being Stephanie. On the pain front, I think all the nerve endings are starting to come alive again as I’m getting lots of small stinging type pains which are very localised and don’t last very long but certainly do sting at the time, the scars and stitches are healing well and things are starting to take shape as it were. I am still very swollen in my pubic bone area but the surgeon did say that could take up to 3 months before being back to normal which will be hard as it’s very tender and I can’t wear anything tight round my waist. I am spanning out the distances between taking the heavy opium based painkillers and got it down to twice or three time a day so getting there slowly.

After much deliberation and some frustration in getting through we have upgraded out flights home to business class as the thought of being sat for fourteen hours and then eleven hours was really stressing me as I struggle to sit for dinner it’s so painful so at least I will be able to lay down for most of it. Denise has also organised a wheelchair for me to get around the airport as walking is particularly painful, more because I have to wear the nappy pants than anything else but I am pretty sore down there so that will help somewhat. We also have a hotel booked for the 20 hours in Doha which will be a break but the journey to and from the hotel could be pretty unpleasant as it’s mega hot there and the mini buses are not especially comfortable or smoothly driven, anyway it’s another week away and hopefully I will have improved some by then.

Our apartment in Lambertville is quite amazing, it’s a converted fire station owned by some antique dealers so is full of weird things, lots off stuffed animals and strange furnishings but the bed is comfortable even though it is only about a foot off the floor and the kitchen is excellent, perfect as we are doing most of our eating here. There is even a very old record player and a big pile of records to choose from so we spent some time last night reminiscing listening to music from the 70s and 80s which was good entertainment. There are also some amazing pictures on the walls which I have taken photos of as they are very very unusual.

Well I’ll leave it at that toninght as it’s way past my bed time and I need to sleep!

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