Rough day

Today has been probably the worst since my surgery, brought on by a dreadful nights sleep in which I visited the bathroom 9 times and it hurt more each time. This morning we called the help line and soon got a call back from Jamie who we met in the hospital who after listening to my symptoms told me I probably have a UTI and to go back onto antibiotics for a few days. Thankfully we still had a stack of them, some we brought from Australia and some from here. I have spent much of the day either asleep or resting, it’s very difficult to get comfortable sitting so laying either on the bed or sofa is usually the best place. I am struck by how weak I feel, we have been having a very steady walk each night since arriving here but tonight after letting my dinner settle it will be straight to bed I feel after topping up my medication.

There has however been a very bright spot to my day, yesterday I reconnected with a young lady I used to work with who had heard my story and took the trouble to send a friend request. We have since exchanged numerous messages (more like novels really!) and I can’t tell you how much I have loved catching up with all her news so Helen, THANKYOU SO MUCH! you have made a difficult day easier. That brings me back to a place I visit every day in my mind, how blessed I am to have so many friends and family supporting me through this and as I said today in one of my messages, if it’s true that you reap what you sow then there must be some mistake as I don’t remember sowing any of this! Hopefully tomorrow will b a better day, I knew there would be bad days and was prepared for it but I think had got lulled into a false sense of security with the last 12 days as they have been easier than I expected them to be. In finishing I want to also say a massive thank you to my amazing partner Denise who has today and every day looked after me in the most caring and beautiful way as only she knows how, I love you so much Denise xxxx

One thought on “Rough day”

  1. Hi Steph and Denise, sorry to hear you are going through a rough patch Steph, sure things will be on the improve from now on. Take care.

    David xox

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