Rough couple of days

Sorry for the lack of posts in the last two days, they have been pretty rough but I feel we are over the worst now. The problem seemed to start after the catheter was removed on Tuesday. The removal of it was much less painful than expected but it has more than made up for it since. I started having bladder spasms which are extremely painful to say the least, I can’t ever remember feeling anything like it before, like someone had stabbed me and was twisting the knife!  Anyway thankfully I seem to be over the worst, it’s still there and I’m on my second script of tablets to control them but at least I can get in and out of bed and up and down the stairs without too much pain. The other problem is that because I have had the catheter in, my bladder has become lazy and now insists on being emptied about every hour which is not fantastic for getting a good nights sleep in fact it’s not good at all!

The main thing is though, I am now back to the feeling that every day is an improvement on the last and I have to say the staff at the clinic have once again been amazing. Just for our peace of mind we called in the see the surgeon this morning just so she could check out what was going on and again make sure I was happy.  She spent a good half hour examining me and getting a feel for where the pain was and explained why, she said the swelling was better than last time she checked it and although it doesn’t look pretty at the moment it is perfect (I know she is hardly going to say its ugly is she!) she made us both laugh, she said not all of her clients have a sense of humour but she thought she would be ok with us and said that at this stage usually her handywork looks like “Frankenpussy” (a creation of Frankenstein 😄).   However she said it looks perfect for 10 days post op and is healing nicely. She also said it will take up to 3 months to be perfectly healed.

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