Sooner or later it was always going to happen

Pain is what I’m talking about!

Each business day that we are in the recovery suite we get a visit from a nurse, just to check all is good which for me is a big plus in terms of peace of mind but today when my own nurse (Denise) was checking everything looked ok noticed that the packing which is inside me had started to come out, now it’s bloody uncomfortable to sit as it is but with this sticking out I thought something better be done about it. Anyway we called reception which is literally below us and left a message asking for someone to call us back. We went about doing the things we needed to do like wash my hair and make me look something like but as we hadn’t heard anything back called again and soon received a call saying someone would be with us shortly. You can hear how busy the place is by the number of times the door bell goes, it never seems to stop! But shortly afterwards we heard the door being opened onto our floor and to our surprise it was Dr Rumer herself, I was very impressed to say the least that the main person had come to see me! After exchanging pleasantries and answering the usual questions about how I’m feeling she asked to take a look. She was a little concerned about the amount of swelling at the top, said it wasn’t compromising anything but after a little press here and there said she would like to take the drains out today instead of tomorrow, the next bit struck me with horror! She said she would inject some hydrogen peroxide into the drain holes which would create a sort of volcano effect, I was petrified!!! She left and said Kami would be in touch and sure enough 5 minutes later Kami called to say could we come down straight away, at least the horror was going to be over soon I thought so I put on my dressing gown and we headed downstairs. Kami was busy on the phone and there were two people waiting in reception. We were shown into a room and the examination chair was readied for me and we waited, I held Denise’s hand pretty tight and it hadn’t even started! Dr Rumer came in and explained what she was going to do, removed the two drains and proceeded to inject this stuff into the holes left by the drains. At first it just felt warm but then she started squeezing and pressing around the holes, I daren’t look but I could feel something fizzing in side me, it was a weird sensation to say the least! Anyway it’s done now, hopefully it will drain some more over night, at least the drains have gone so that’s one thing less to worry about for tomorrow’s visit!

For the first time I do feel in pain but it’s bearable, more a stinging than a pain or even a burning sensation so hopefully it will do the job and the swelling will go down over night a little. On the plus side I have felt much more energy today, walking up and down the stairs was no problem and I feel as though the anaesthetic is leaving me thankfully xx

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