Day three, a day of relaxation

I have been told in no uncertain terms that I need bed rest, unfortunately that doesn’t fit very well with me as I never stay in bed, always have lots to do but I guess they know what’s best for me and I am in their hands. The problem is that when you sleep at all different times of the day your body clock gets out of sorts and you can easily find yourself asleep when others are awake and awake when others are asleep but I guess it’s only for a short time so I’ll deal with it. This morning I felt stronger than yesterday so I’m happy, all I need is a small improvement each day and I’ll be a very happy girl.

The nurses from the clinic came in around 3.30 to check on me and make sure there was nothing I needed before they left, they had a quick examination, all seemed satisfactory, we discussed pain levels and the swelling and they left for the weekend. Although there is no one physically here they are on call 24/7 which for someone in a strange country is such peace of mind and one of the things which attracted me to Rumer Cosmetics in the first place, I have definitely got what I wanted and had amazing service with it. The room is quite basic but very comfortable and quiet which means at least when I want to sleep I can, the bed is especially comfortable, so so important when you need to sleep a lot.

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