Day 2 and the worst ever taxi ride

So it’s Thursday and all things being equal I should be discharged at mid-day.  Hopefully the surgeon’s PA, Jamie, will be here to examine me soon and organise discharge.

It all happened rather quickly after Jamie’s visit and I had to get dressed hurriedly because a man with a wheelchair turned up. Unfortunately the message hadn’t got through to the taxi company so I had to sit on my blow-up ring on the wheelchair in the foyer of the hospital whilst they worked out where the taxi was.  Well, it was the ride from hell. It was a battered old Ford Taurus and a driver who couldn’t even be bothered to get out and help Denise put the suitcase in the boot – he just “popped the trunk” as the Americans say, and sat in his seat!  He then proceeded to ask us the route (Denise felt obliged to power up Google Maps to make sure we got to where we should). I felt every bump as the conditions of the roads here are very poor and he threw the car around as though he was in a race.  When we got to our destination he sat in his seat, popped the trunk again and didn’t help either of us.  He didn’t get a tip!!

All the staff at the doctors clinic came out to help, one of them carrying a beautiful bouquet of flowers sent to me by the Pilpel family.  They were very much appreciated as I love flowers.  It was good to get away from the hustle and bustle of the hospital to the quiet of the recovery suite.  I was helped into my first adult nappy – I now understand why babies cry; they are so bloody uncomfortable! And helped into bed. I soon got comfortable and Denise went out for supplies. I think the exertion of the day must then have taken its toll as I fell asleep very quickly, very happy to be Stephanie and one day further post op!

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