Under 40 hours!

With less than 40 hours before my surgery I can feel the sense of anticipation rising! We decided to have some retail therapy today and drove to Franklin mill shopping Mall.  We arrived a few minutes before it officially opened but the doors were open and we needed coffee. After a short walk we found a Starbucks and as much as they will never be my favourite coffee shop, needs must and it was the only thing open at the time. Franklin mill is a massive place and we didn’t really know where to start so just took pot luck and went into the first big store we could find which happened to be Burlingtons and it wasn’t too bad at all, we found numerous items to try on and headed for the fitting rooms to try them on, most of them fitted well but we went to see what else was available and eventually came across the dresses area. Now dresses are something I am certainly not short of but being from Yorkshire, can’t resist a bargain and what a bargain we found, a size 12 dress, floral in shades of jade, I loved it as soon as I saw it, I picked two others up, a plain very bright yellow one and a white one with orange and pink flowers on it, they all fitted really well but I decided I wouldn’t wear a bright yellow dress and Denise didn’t care for the white one so I was happy to take just the jade one and love it. Sadly shoes were not as successful as dresses, there were very few big enough and what I thought would have been just didn’t fit so we came away empty handed in the shoe department, we had lunch and headed home, tough job this shopping!

It’s Nise here – I have been granted an occasional invitational spot in this blog.  Hope you don’t mind.  It’s hard to believe it’s  nearly a week since we left Perth but as Stephanie has said, the time has passed quickly and we are now down to counting the hours…  As she won’t be able to drive after surgery we made the decision that I would be the driver for the duration of the trip.  Now anyone who knows Steph will know how hard that is for her – she likes to be steering!  You will also know what I mean when I say that I don’t know what is more stressful – driving in a city that we don’t know, on the wrong side of the road or having her as a co-driver!!  However I must be truthful, with the help of Google maps we have always got to where we wanted to go and she isn’t gripping the seat as often.  Shopping today was very enjoyable and we have ended up buying a number of “common” tops. That’s not to say they aren’t posh, just that we can share them – bonus!  We were however very disappointed with Walmart – having seen the photos on Facebook we thought we were in for some entertainment but sadly everyone was appropriately dressed 😄 Sitting with our feet up now before we head out for our walk and to pick up some dinner.  This will be the last time Steph eats until after her operation – prep begins in earnest tomorrow.

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