Not the best day but hopefully all sorted

Today we needed to go to the hospital to pay their fees, not a big job I thought, everything had been sorted with the credit card issuers in advance so didn’t think there would be an issue but the card was declined twice, to make matters worse the international help line was continually engaged, not much good if you have an issue! Anyway it’s supposed to have been sorted now, we will go back again tomorrow and try again! The lady there who is looking after it is lovely though, so helpful and kind once again. The weather improved enough so I could have a walk after we had done some shopping, bought a few supplies and a non stick frying pan as the one here is not good for doing my famous scrambled eggs which simply won’t do! Looking forward to trying it out tomorrow!!

Tomorrow also sees my first physical meeting with the surgeon Kathy, I’m presuming she will want to take a look at what she is working with!! Not an exciting prospect but necessary I guess and I will probably need to get used to it as I think the next few weeks will be lacking in dignity as far as people seeing everything I’ve got, or not got as the case will be. I’m not stressed about it as I want this more than I have ever wanted anything in my life, the surgery is only just over 100 hours away and I just want to get on with it.

2 thoughts on “Not the best day but hopefully all sorted”

  1. Thinking of you and sending lots of love!! Hope your scrambled eggs are nice!!! Xxx loving reading your blog!! Xxx

  2. Thinking of you. Will look forward to sharing your journey with you. sending all our love your way xx

    Stay strong x

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