Doctors appointment, the Bank and cycling

So it’s the first of May today, the month of my surgery has arrived but there are seemingly endless jobs to do before we go and first on the list is a visit to my GP to deal with the endless list of requirements from Philadelphia, blood tests, ECG, urine analysis, swabs, a physical examination and lots of forms to fill in. For the second time, I visited the GP ‘s fully Steph’d, one of my favourite dresses, shoes to match and felt good.

My GP was her usual lovely self, didn’t complain about the long list of requests just commented about it being very American, we soon got through her part of the list, had the physical examination and the forms signed, next was the ECG, I’ve never had one before but it was pain free and the lady doing it was friendly. I paid my dues and left for home.

the next job on the list was the bank, I had made the appointment last week, dressed fairly ambiguous but was a little surprised when the girl who took my name so the person I wanted to see could call me asked me if it was Robin with an I or a Y but I thought she was just being accurate and I thanked her and left. Laura then called me and made the appointment for today, now I have known Laura for 10 years or so but haven’t seen her for probably a year but was looking forward to telling her my story. When I arrived her previous client was just leaving, another good friend of mine, so she called me straight in, we exchanged pleasantries and I told her I had a story to tell her, she listened carefully and at the end said she was so happy for me and honoured that I had wanted to tell her, we got mostly through the business part of the appointment, she gave me a big hug and I left feeling very happy that it had gone well and had the knowledge that when I need help with the name change stuff she will be there to help me.

The other job for the day was to do the shopping and visit the cycle shop to get a helmet for Denise so we can use our cycles, this we did and after fitting a new bell we decided to give them a run. Now I haven’t ridden a bicycle in earnest for 20 years so was a little rusty to say the least but as they say “it’s like riding a bike, you never forget” and it all went well, we visited some friends, ended up being asked back for dinner and that was the end of the the day.

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