The day I have waited for and my first black dress!

So today is the day! Up early as we have a busy day planned, the Amarok and trailer are all ready to go, the fire is to be delivered to Helen in Mandurah, then up to Nedlands for Denise’s appointment with the breast surgeon then lunch, drive to success, some shopping and my appointment then up to Murdoch to pick up Helen and back to Mandurah for dinner and home. First part went well apart from firstly Denise had a query about her referral to see the surgeon, now quite why you would wait till the day we are going to think about it is way beyond me but I guess some people are more organised than others! Then, as we can’t go anywhere without taking our coffee with us, and I am in full agreement with this, I see no point in having an excellent coffee machine and then buying one on route but unfortunately Denise managed to spill hers down her front!!! And a white top as well! Frantic cleaning with the drinking water followed and most came out! Then the problem of getting it dry! Anyway all was well in the end!. The traffic was dreadful and we were late to Denise s appointment but it didn’t seem to matter we were still dealt with fairly quickly and off to the cafe for some lunch then down to Cockburn for my appointment but before that as we had some time to spare, some shopping, in to target and to the ladies department, Denise, after saying “I’m not buying clothes in here managed to find a few things but I had a ball! 2 dresses, a top, a skirt, some shorts and some three quarter length white trousers, now I don’t yet have the confidence to go into the changing rooms to try them on but was quietly confident that most of my haul would fit me. Back to the car to get ready for my appointment, I needed to show my feminine side but respectfully and chose to keep my shirt on but wear the new shorts and my ladies sandals from Saturday allowing me to show off my painted toes, I felt happy with my look and headed to the appointment, got half way there and remembered I hadn’t put my lipstick on so went back to the car to retrieve it while Denise headed for suite 13, I went into the toilet to apply the lipstick and joined her. We were a little early but were met with a lovely smile from Purni the receptionist and waited patiently, there were a couple of people in the waiting room, I noticed a lady sitting about 4 meters away from us who gave me a careful looking over but didn’t say anything and I was happy with that. The psychiatrist came out and acknowledged us and said she wouldn’t be long, and she returned and beckoned my to join her. We sat down and she asked me about the essay she had asked me to complete, I thought for a moment that she hadn’t seen it but then found it on her pc and proceeded to read it out, nodding occasionally then asking some questions and also giving me advice about how to handle people after transitioning who don’t know how to be with me which I thought was both kind and helpful, she then announced that she was happy and would do the letter, I could hardly hide my excitement! It was going to happen at last!!! In fact I don’t think it sunk in until the following day fully! She did the basic outline of the letter, talked about my hormone treatment and we talked about options for surgery as in where and who, the letter in basic form was finished, she said she would edit it later and bid me good day, I couldn’t believe it and left the office without touching the ground I think, I spoke to Denise and proceeded to the reception to pay my dues, the lovely Purni looked after me as usual and I thanked her for all her help over the last few months and we left!.
Back at the car I quickly changed back into male clothing and we headed up to Murdoch to pick up Helen, arrived in plenty of time and waited in the car park, Helen arrived, we had a hug and set off for Mandurah, dinner at Murphys and home to Busselton, a long but very satisfying day. The drive home was uneventful, steady as we had the trailer on but not too bad and not much traffic, on arriving home I took Bella out, Denise called mum and then the fashion show with all our new clothes, I was amazed! Every thing fitted me well, in fact the black dress looks and feels amazing, I stood in front of the mirror and just couldn’t believe how good it looks, the only sad thing is I can’t wear it in public!

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