Long overdue post!

Yes i know it’s been a long time since i last posted, no excuse really just that time seems to go past so quickly and apart from being extremely busy work wise i don’t seem to have done much that i can class as ’post worthy’!

However, last night i had both the honour and the pleasure of speaking to a lovely group of medical students at the University of Notre Dame in Fremantle. The event was called a ’Queer Health Info Night’ and i was one of 5 speakers. We each spoke for 15-20 minutes about our personal stories or particular area of expertise then the audience had an opportunity to ask questions in a panel discussion. The fact that a Catholic University held an event of this nature i feel is a huge step forward and hopefully it will be the first of many to come. After all, who better to share our stories, with all the trials and difficulties we have encountered along the way than the doctors of tomorrow.

I’m so grateful to Jack Murray for organising the event, he did an excellent job of hosting it and i’m sure our paths will cross again soon.